Doctors against Using Teleconsultation


Namrata Sindwani and Aknisree Karthik    19 December 2022

During the pandemic, teleconsultations gained popularity and have continued as patients are availing of digital platforms for medical consultations. However, many doctors are against online consultations. Several doctors stated that patients prefer digital consultations as they are cheaper than in-person consultations, especially for ailments that are not serious.


Dr. Kalpajit Banik, a Bengaluru-based doctor and former member of the Indian Medical Association (IMA), stated that the concept of telemedicine was present in the pre-pandemic years, but the system has now become more organized with technology and several digital consulting platforms.


On the other hand, Dr. Rohan Krishnan, president of the Federation of All India Medical Association (FAIMA), does not favor digital consultations. He pointed out that it is not completely trustworthy and cannot be compared with the accuracy of an in-person examination of the patient. He added that teleconsultations should be limited to emergency cases only.


A member of the IMA Junior Doctor Network also added that teleconsultations had both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, telemedicine has enabled increased accessibility to healthcare services in remote locations, which can help individuals save money and time on travel, but on the other hand, there are potential risks of medical negligence if patients are not consulted and diagnosed accurately.

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